
Thursday, December 02, 2010

banyak tanya betul!

banyak tanya betuuuuul!!
erm...ni 1st time aku wat tag sebenonye...hahaaa
ni person yg bertanggungjawab atas tag yg aku wat ni... 

dia kata sebab dia wat tag ni, sebab dia rajin..

"nasib aku rajin.. hahaha" kata en kicap dgn bangganya

so, ak ase tercabar gak la...
ingat awak sorg ke yg rajin...
saya pon rajin gak..haha

n disebabkan saya ni suka sumthing
yang lain drpd yang lain, saya
wat tag bergambar..

rajin kan saya!!!

official instruction : once you are tagged, answer all the questions honestly

Person who tagged : en kicap

Starting time : 1230

Name :
Full name : 
nurhazwani binti ghazali
1 drpd 4

eye colour : 
ntah la...coklat gelap kot... cek la sendirik.

Shoe size : 
kaki kecik, 36..haha...so, org x leh pinjam kasut..muahahaha

Hair : 
hitam la..xkan hijau gak..mentang2 blog ak kaler hijau

Height : 
155cm..ye, aku rendah..tp x de la rendah sgt

What are you wearing right now : 
tshirt purple long sleeve, jeans

Where do you live : 
taiping, perak

Favourite number : 

Favourite drink : 
teh ais

Favourite month : 
datang bulan..haha...aku ske bulan april...
the sweetest month i think...
sebab besday aku..huhu

Favourite breakfast : 
erk???ak jarang bekfes ar..

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : 
x de ar...patah hati penah la..haha

Been in a police car : 
belom penah lagi..nanti kot..haha

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : 
haha...selalu sgt..tp bukan rasa yang permananent la...juz admire je..

Swam in the ocean : 
penah, tp tepi2 je..takut la..huhu...x reti berenang sgt

Fallen asleep in school : 
bukan setakat sekolah, kat u pon masih mengamalkan tabiat tu..haha

Broken someone's heart :  
ntah la...xtau...
tp ak pnh broke my mom's heart..
tp along dh mintak maap n tobat x wat dh..
skrg ak dh rapat giler2 ngan mak ak..
kitorg dh kamceng leh share 
mcm2 benda n masalah....

Cried when someone died : 
aah, atok, nenek, kawan ak...

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : 
all nite??? all nite xde la, cume ada certain nite yg klo dh janji nk kol la kan..

Saved e-mails : 
selalu sgt...tmbh2 emel yg penting 
n perlu diwat rujukan nanti..n emel from the special one...

Been cheated on : 
mcm2 la...kawan2 ak yg sengal..haha...tp ak x amek ati pon... 


Your room look like : 
cam kemas, tp sepah gak..haha...tp stil di tahap yg under control la..

What is right beside you :
tingkap...makcik jual karipap x kat tepi tingkat 4 ni? sy lapa la..hahah

What is the last thing you ate :
keropok moni....haha...keropok ikan la..

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : 

Sore throat : 
kdg2 la...ehem2..

Stitches : 
ada2...kt belakang pale, siku, ganas gak aku ni..haha

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : 

Like picnics? : 
gile suka...dh planning ngan 
kawan2 nak overnight d bukit larut 
ari khmis mlm jumaat, 
wat BBQ kat sne...
spe nak join, 
jom! ladies only ya..


Who did you last yell at? : 
yelling??? erm...jarang la...tp rum8 ak dua org tu suka wat ak gelak smpi sakit perot...sebab tu ak jerit suh dorg benti...erk???percaya ke ak jerit..?

Who was the last person you danced with? : 
haha...xde kot...opsss...ari tu wat chicken dance...ngan kawan2..

Who last made you smile? : 
my mr eksrem...hehe..not last, but always..

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : 
cukup indah.. bunyi mesej masuk...jap aku nk reply msg...

What did you do today? : 
msg mr eksrem, kuar g mall jap...

Are you the oldest? : 
nope...i'm the eldest..haha

Indoors or outdoors? : 
sume ak minat tp more to outdoors la...extreme sket kan...

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone ? : 
miza...janji nk kuar sme tghari td..

Made you cry? : 
rahsia.. erm...nak tau ke....
xyah kot..
yg pasti, ak menangis krn org tu ak syg, 
sebab klu ak x syg, 
ak x nanges krn dorang...

You went to the mall with ? :
ngan miza td..

Who cheered you up ? :
all my frens n family....

-Have you-

Been to Mexico ? :

Been to USA ? : 
mesti la x pernah


What books are you reading right now? : 
buku ek???semalam bce 
buku pengujian dan pengukuran 
aka ujian psikologi..nti nk exam..

Best feeling in the world? :
 bila diri disayangi dan dihargai 

Future kids name? :
 ntah la..tatau..

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : 
ada la sekor...

What's under your bed? :
mcm2..haha...korg nk apa, sumer ada...

Favourite sport (s) : 
sukan extreme

Favourite place : 
katil.....ak suke tidoq...

i luv scenery, greeny places

Who do you really hate? :
kutuk2 org, ulat, cicak!!!!katak!!!!!!!!

Do you have a job? :
not yet...still stdying

What time is it now? : 

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, 
post as " banyak tanya betul!" and tag 15 people.

sapa2 yg baca n rajin nak n yang belom penah wat, 
wat la..nak tau jugak apa jwpn korg nanti...


::..dYa..:: said...

saya boleh pinjam kasut awak tak?
size kita sama

iluvcolours said...

salam... hehe.boleh je. asalkan sama saiz...hihi